Flight Booking
Flight booking consists of three simple steps:
1. Find a flight you like that is offered by our travel partner websites.
2. Click Book Button
3. 3-Complete Booking Form & Pay at Our Partner Site.
Besides choosing a flight that best meets your budget, we recommend that you use search filters to find direct, non-connecting daylight flights so you can travel in less time and your normal sleep schedule stays uninterrupted. Be sure to reserve seats that are close to a restroom for convenient access. You also need to select a reputable airline known for offering good airport assistance service from the curb to the gate.
Our flight search engine offers latest deals from multiple online travel agencies/providers. Please check your order receipt and contact the provider and airlines in case you have problems or enquiries.
You can narrow your search by using our search filters for airlines which is located at the left column of your search result page.
Please click here for latest airline luggage fees.
We suggest you to come back and do another search at a different date and time because airfare can change over time due to various factors such as competition, market supply and demand, etc. You can also click here for additional online websites for deal finding.
.Hotel Reservation
You can book your hotel reservation through three easy steps:
1. Find the hotel you like that offers by our partnering travel agencies
2. Click Book Button
3. 3-Complete Reservation Form & Pay at Our Partner Site.
Selecting a hotel that best meets your budget is the just the first step. As a senior traveler, you need to consider other factors for you to travel comfortably. Our hotel search filters allow you to search for hotels that offer senior friendly services such as: low mobility, parking, free cancellation, etc.
Our hotel search engine offers latest deals from multiple online travel agencies/providers. Please check your order receipt and contact the provider and hotels in case you have problems or inquiries.
We suggest you to come back do another search at a different date and time because hotel prices and availability can change over time due to various factors such as competition, market supply and demand, etc. You can also click here for additional online websites for deal finding.